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Pleasant Lake Association
Meeting Minutes 10-11-02


Present: Co-Presidents Randy and Bruce Grachek, Secretary, Sharon Peterson, George Roes, Steve Bruggeman. Absent: Don Hausken and Jim Diorio

WATER LEVEL: George Roes had gone to the City Council meeting last Monday. The City and the Clearwater River Watershed District are funding a study on the storm water that flows in and out of this area. Cost of this study is nearly $26,000--funded 50% by the City and 50% by CRWD. The study covers some of Pleasant Lake, but not all---so an inquiry was made as to how much it would cost to include all of Pleasant Lake. Cost is approximately $7,000, and CRWD is willing to split the cost with us. This study would analyze water run-off; including rate, volume and quality. The study will begin very soon. Since the Association has approximately $10,000, the decision was made to tag onto this study for a compete report. M/S/P Randy/Sharon to spent up to $4,000 for this. George will notify CRWD about our intention to participate in sharing the cost for this study.

DUES: Recommend setting dues at $15.00 and to encourage everyone to join. Please see form at bottom of page.

BOARD MEMBERS: Recommendation made to add 4 board members to attend meetings and provide input for decisions. Also recommend inviting committee chairs to attend board meetings if they have concerns or anything to report.

NEXT GENERAL MEETING: Saturday, November 16th at City Hall in the Community Room. All residents of Pleasant Lake are encouraged to attend.

Meeting adjourned SP



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Mailing Address ______________________________


Phone ___________________e mail________________________

Dues: $15.00 annually. Make checks payable to: Pleasant Lake Association

Mail to: 

Pleasant Lake Association
P.O. Box 71
Annandale, Mn 55302