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Pleasant Lake Association
Meeting Minutes 4-24-04

Pleasant Lake Association General meeting April 24, 2004 9 a.m. Lake Pavilion Annandale

Officers Present: Chairman Sedey, VChairman Markstrom,Treasurer DiOrio,Sec Peterson, Boardmembers: V Lundeen, K  Lundeen, T Ashwill, P Malmberg

Treasurers Report: Checking $3,822.56 Savings $4,885.06

Next General meeting set for Aug 21, Lake Pavilion noon for lunch and meeting.

Wright County Deputy Joel Mackereth explained to the group what the Volunteer Water Patrol program was and gave the history of it. He handed out Minnesota Boating Guides to all present and went over situations in which volunteers can be of help in keeping the lake safe for all. He took many questions from the group and was able to share which laws or rules were applicable. He stayed through the meeting giving clarifications when necessary and met with the new water patrol volunteers after the general meeting. Tab Ashwill will be the contact person for the water patrol.

Commissioner Carla Heeter and City Administrator Mark Casey sent regrets for being unable to attend the meeting.

Meryl Anderson & wife of the Clearwater River Watershed Dist. were introduced to the group.

Rep Dean Urdahl was introduced to group and was thanked for his assistance in getting the culvert lowered 9 inches on the lake side of Hwy 24. Phosphorus legislation has passed and will affect the entire state.

Feasibility study up-date from Jim DiOrio. City has not yet completed the study but was able to give estimates for sewering and watering the entire lake. Annexation was also discussed as was Hwy 24 improvements. A public hearing will be held if future city plans ever include extending public services to neighboring townships. Mr. M Anderson strongly recommends sending sewage to a treatment plant rather then letting the lake property absorb the waste. Explained to group that this is a study to gather realistic figures for property owners to look at .

Mrs. Lawler shared with the group that she has spoken with MnDot official Mike Denser and he assured her that there was room for septic systems & wells even with the widening of Hwy 24.

Speed limit along Hwy 24 and Pleasant Lk once again discussed and it was the feeling of the group that the association should request to the state that the speed be reduced from 45 to a lower speed limit. Rational for such a request must be convincing. Rep Urdahl, Corinna township, city, county, & school may all have to be brought into this request. Board will take appropriate steps to see if this is a feasible request. The improvement for Hwy 24 is still set for the year 2007 but we have seen this date change and realize it might well change again.

Runoff from rains discussed with many ideas that can slow and divert this highly polluted water from entering the lakes. Culverts are still one of the ways we hope to slow the streams into Pleasant lake. Plans for these were received from CRWD last year and it is our hope that the city and lake can work together in installing these culverts.

Excess trailer parking was discussed and officer Mackereth was able to explain to the group what possible avenues might be taken to address concerns.

Lake weeds needed further discussion and it was suggested that Jerry Truman of Clearwater lake be invited to our next general meeting where he would share his knowledge on area weeds.

It was suggested that we might encourage the state to test septic systems on the lake. We will determine just how realistic this suggestion is.

Meeting adjourned at 10:30