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Pleasant Lake Association
Meeting Minutes 8-21-04

Minutes of general meeting membership Pleasant Lake Improvement Association Aug 21, 2004

Boardmembers present: Chairman Sedey, ViceChairman Markstrom, Treasurer DiOrio, Sec Peterson, K Lundeen, S Bruggeman, P Malmberg, T Ashwill.

Guests: Meryl Anderson Clearwater River Watershed Dist.

Rep Dean Urdahl

Bill Lieb, Southside Township Board

Handouts: Agenda, Dues for 2005 forms, Clearwater River Watershed Dist. brochures, Eurasian Watermilfoil cards, Aquatic Hitchhiker brochure.

Regrets from Wright County Commissioner Heeter, conflict in schedule and unable to attend.

Chairman Sedey asked all in attendance to introduce themselves and state where they live on the lake.

Dues for 2005 was discussed and any address change should be forwarded to our membership chairperson, Betty Provo. Members are asked to notify Betty of new neighbors as well. Motion by Jim Latour and 2nd by Jim DiOrio to leave dues at $15 for 2005. Passed.

Treasurers Report: Jim DiOrio, Checking account $3,629.50 Savings account $4,890.00

Total members for 2004 is 97 out of a possible 125

Motion by P Malmberg, 2nd by D Hausken to hold election of Boardmembers next year, 2005. Passed.

Feasibility study: J DiOrio reported to group the recommendations from meeting with city engineer. We will form a committee to work directly with the city council representative to address all factors of lake improvements. Topics will be water, sewer, hookup time lines, annexation, community septic systems, township responsibility and concerns, county responsibility, Hwy 24 improvements, MnDot plans, phosphorous use, etc. The new committee will post its minutes on the web page. Volunteers are asked to contact Chair Sedey. It is hoped that a Hwy 24 resident will serve on this committee.

The City realizes that Pleasant Lk is one of its main assets and its future is of the utmost importance.

J Bishop has visited with Superintendent Niklaus and the Hwy 24 project has been moved to 2006 rather than 2007.

Southside Township board member B. Lieb was welcomed by the group and he explained why the 89th St. blacktop project has been put on hold. 89th St. services most of the northside lake property owners. The Hwy 24 project will have a direct impact on this township project.

Julie Sedey received calls from lakehome owners who could not attend however wished to have their views shared concerning how getting sewer to all lake properties will benefit the entire lake.

Rep Dean Urdahl explained that phosphorous legislation concerning golf courses has been discussed and this is an area that individuals can have input by contacting their representatives.

In the future there may be grant money for lake associations to be used for weed projects through the state, none as of this date. The Hwy 24 project will only take property on the east side of the hwy for improvements and not the lakeside he reiterated.

Weeds: B Markstrom, JBishop, TAshwill, and Jerry Truman from Clearwater, have taken samples of Watermilfoil and after a visit by the DNR it has been determined that our lake does not have the Eurasian category. Because of this finding it will be up to individual property owners to control the weeds within 100 feet of their property. Treating the lake with chemicals requires a permit from the DNR, yearly. Harvesting or treating any large area of the lake will not be done. Northern & Eurasian milfoil explained to group.

Myrle Anderson, CRWD spoke to the group pertaining to lake clarity and quality. CRWD has tested the quality of the lake and those results should be out by December of this year. They will continue to monitor our lake regularly and will share these finding with our Association. He explained how holding ponds are designed to filter runoff waters prior to entering lakes.

Jim Latour representing the city informed the group that there are additional holding ponds in the works that will filter stormwater runoff draining into the lake.

Val Lawler explained that agriculture phosphorous does not runoff because it is mixed with the soil where as golfcourse phosphorous is spread on top of the grass and will runoff with heavy rains.

Trailer parking concern relating to the number of boats on the lake over busy weekends was discussed. With the new Water Patrol now on the lake safety concerns may become lessened.

There are 6 certified individuals who will patrol the lake with education and safety being their 1st and primary mission.

Hwy 24 discussion relating to speed, redirecting around city, snowplowing, maintenance, past history, & future & will remain an agenda topic for future meetings.

Potluck picnic lunch followed with scrumptious dishes and desserts.

Respectfully submitted, Sec.J Peterson