HOME > Civic Groups > Pleasant Lake Association > Board Meeting Minutes 11-27-2007

Pleasant Lake Association
Board Meeting Minutes 
November 27, 2007

Members present:  President Bayer, V.Lundeen, K. Lundeen, Markstrom, Obinger, J. Sedey, J. Sedey, Strohschein, Peterson, Hogberg, Arfsten, Froehlich, CRWD M.Anderson

Members not present:  Iverson

Treasurers report:  Checking:  $676.87   Savings:  $2,310.31.   Report given with expenditures for 2007 as well as funds received.   Treasurer Markstrom is leaving the board due to relocation.

Membership committee chair Julie Sedey asked board members to notify her of any new lake resident.  She will work with Chair Bayer on the dues letter that will go out before the end of the year.  Dues will run from Jan 1 to Dec 31 of each year.  CRWD Anderson will request a lake map indicating each parcel ownership to help with membership drive. The dues letter will also include the Spring date, April 26th, for the lake association meeting.  

Hwy 24 committee:  Mark Obinger updated board on culvert progress.  Mn. Pollution Control Agency will be monitoring the runoff resulting from a road-crown change. CRWD Anderson and Obinger have met with  MPCA representative Terry and will follow-up on any concerns.

HOLCOLA.  Area Lake Association.  Chair Bayer and J.Sedey attended the meeting and the general consensus of those present was the group will not officially form due to perceived conflicting agendas as of this time.   The direction that will be taken by those individuals present will be to work with the county on a comprehensive plan for future water and land use within the county. 

Grant Committee:   J.Sedey reported that the Clean Water grant group will meet and complete the grant request with the information we now have.   Laurie Knudson has offered her assistance in writing the grant due to her past experience with grant writing.

Weed Committee:   Markstrom reported that he has communicated with Tom Snook from Lake Restoration and the DNR permit requests will be obtained through their company again.   A permit for all lake residents to treat, or have treated, will cost $750 and an open water permit for the west end of the lake will cost $25.  This expense will be paid for by the association, and members will be informed in the dues letter.  A concern about fish kill connected with the weed treatment was discussed and findings were that this treatment does not affect the fish population.   Fish kills have all been related to rapid temperature changes in our lake.

New Board members:   Denise Froehlich, Dennis Arfsten, & David Hogbert were all appointed to the board and will be presented to the general membership for approval at the Spring meeting. K Lundeen has agreed to stay on the board for another term.

Water monitoring committee:   Sedey explained how the samples were taken and the disposition of the samples.   Secchi Disk readings were reviewed and new volunteers will be added to the program next year.  CRWD Anderson will furnish new volunteers with the disks. 

New Treasurer:   Bob Markstrom turned over the books to our new treasurer Denise Froehlich.  This change will be presented to the general membership at the Spring meeting for their approval.

By Laws:    There have been changes that everyone was not aware of and this topic was tabled.

Communications-Public Relations.  It would be nice to see a newsletter or a weekly column in the local newspaper relating to lake happenings and concerns.   Chair will be asking for a volunteer to address this concern.  Chair Bayer and Arfstren will contact the city council and request that one councilperson be on the lake association board as has been the practice with other city entities, i.e. nursing home, parks, police.

Vision, Purpose and Mission Statements:   The grant committee will share with the group the relating statements that are accompanying the grant requests as soon as the lake management plan  request has been forwarded to the Initiative Foundation.  The Hubbard County lake coalition is a model we may wish to follow in offering educational opportunities to our membership.

Loon Committee:   D. Hogberg will join this committee and determine the needs.

Spring general membership meeting set for Saturday, April 26, 10 a.m. in the city pavilion.