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Pleasant Lake Association
General Membership 
Meeting Minutes 
August 23, 2008

Minutes of August 23, 2208 Pleasant Lake Improvement Association
General Membership and Annual Meeting, Annandale Park Pavilion

Officers present: Chairman Joe Bayer
Board Members present: John Sedey, David Hogberg
CRWD Administrator Merle Anderson

Missing: Vice-Chair Mark Obinger, Secretary Jim Peterson, Treasurer Denise Froehlich, Board Members Vince Lundeen, Kermit Lundeen, Dennis Arfsten, and Jonathan Strohschein.

Clearwater River Watershed District rep Merle Anderson reported on the local tour of lakes recently completed. 80 attended and viewed the Cedar Lake Project, as well as rain gardens and lakeshore buffering. The Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) is the amount of pollutant a water body can absorb and still maintain quality standards. This can be regulated by establishing rain gardens, lakeshore buffering, and identifying the cause of any overload. Pleasant Lake is most directly affected by the citys storm water. Mark Casey (City Administrator) will attend our next meeting to explain how this is being handled and answer any questions we might have. Merle will make available the names and numbers of folks we can contact to find out how to establish a rain garden or lakeshore buffering.

Weeds: John reviewed our 3 year history of weed control. We have now reached the maximum acreage on the lake to be treated. There were concerns from a few residents that there are still patches of curly leaf visible where they live--what can be done if we cant treat any more of the lake. John will contact the DNR to come and check on them. Right now we are treating curly leaf pond weed---Eurasian milfoil has just been found in Lake Sylvia, but so far, we only have Northern milfoil--a natural weed that is not harmful.

Financial reports: Our balance is $204. We still have $1000 coming from the county as their share of weed treatment. We still owe a balance to Lake Restoration for this years treatment. We are applying for a grant that could cover the next 2 years of treatments.

Membership: Judy reported that we have 124 residents on the lake--of those, 83 have paid their membership dues.

Budget: Joe stated that our goal is to maintain a minimum of 1 year operating expenses. Therefore, we shouldnt have to raise the dues this year. They will remain $25--our year runs January-December, so 2009 dues are due soon.

Elections: A note will be sent with the dues reminder about volunteering to be on the board. We were asked to give this our consideration.

Open: Question was raised as to any future plans to hook up to city sewer and water for those still without that service. We had a chance to do that when 24 was re-done, but that opportunity was lost when the idea was rejected by the residents. There are community septic systems that are managed by the Watershed District on other lakes. That, perhaps, is what will happen on our lake too.

Secchi disk readings have shown improved clarity over the summer months. Our new Secchi disk reader is Steve Beckman. We now have 3 volunteers watching the clarity levels in our lake.

Meeting adjourned at 11:20. Picnic followed---27 people attended.