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Pleasant Lake Association
Board Meeting Minutes 
June 24, 2009

Present:   Chair Bayer, V Chair Sedey, Treasurer Froelich, Sec Peterson, Directors Warner, Hogberg, K Lundeen, Arfsten.

Not Present: Dr.Strohschein,V Lundeen.

Minutes of April 15, 2009 Board Meeting read & approved.

Treasurers Report:   DNR permit has been paid. $1,000 received from Triathlon Club. Outstanding Lake Restoration bill for $2,665.  Balance as of this date on hand $2,657.  Bill will be paid when funds are available. We hope to receive County money by years end.

Membership: Chair Julie Sedey. - We have 78 paid members as of this date.  Letters are being prepared for membership asking for additional financial support along with reminders to those not joining the association that water quality is determined by the home owners and their participation is very important.  Membership forms will be included where appropriate.

Fund raisers:  The continued lake pure water projects cannot be accomplished with dues. Ideas to raise funds were discussed.  Raffles, Bingo, Concessions at local events, Silent Auctions, Advertising, Meat Raffles, Permits, all were looked at. This will be continued at the Annual  meeting in Aug for additional ideas and hopefully a chairperson.

Grants:  We will be receiving $800 from the Little Falls Initiative Fund.  This is the last of this money unless we would begin a new project. This idea was tabled.

Landing Signs:   Signs have gone up at all 3 landings.  Warner contacted the DNR and signs were received at no cost to us.  The city and county crews placed the signs in appropriate locations.

CRWD:  Bayer & Sedey attended the meeting in Kimball where they learned of many projects the CRWD has and continues to support.   Merle Anderson was present as was his replacement Dennis Loein. Many of the projects they address are agricultural based due to the high number of  water runoff fields, etc.  We were reminded that lakes have a life cycle and will die if ignored.  Dennis will be at out Annual meeting .

Elm Grove Trailer Court:  Manager will be contacted for up-date on current septic systems.

By- Laws:  Meeting times, directors, & quorums will be addressed at Annual Mt.

Lake Map.  We are mapping the lake and hope to have it ready for the Annual Mt.

News Letter:  Shoreline Ramblings is taking shape and should be out yet this summer. Advertising, topics, distribution all discussed.

Boat Parade:  Bonnie and Dean Hoglund will contact participants with info. Parade is set for 7 p.m. July 3rd, by the city park beach.

City Meeting:   July 6th will be the next city council meeting where we should learn if our financial request for lake weed control will be successful .   Any board member available is asked to attend.   

Annual Meeting:   August 29, Saturday, 10 a.m. will be the meeting with a potluck lunch following.  Meat and drink will be furnished by the association.  Pavilion will be reserved by Chair Froelich.  Membership will be informed.

Security:   Neighborhood Watch program  was discussed.  Arfsten & Bayer will research programs and share with board at next meeting.   Local police and county sheriff departments would be available to assist. Chairperson is needed.   

Invite:   Rep Urdahl, Water Patrol, CRWD, City Council Rep.to our Annual meeting.