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Annandale Area Public Library - Friends of the Library 
Meeting Notes - December 11, 2003

   Annandale Area Public Library Friends - December 11, 2003

1. Literacy Event: Scheduled for Tues, 12/16, 3:30-5:00 p.m. at the Library.

Need some volunteers for crowd control and to hand out books (3 volunteers signed up). Target audience is 2-6 year olds. Julie S. will contact newspaper to come take photos.

2. Sale at Old Library: books, furniture, shelving, equipment. Need to place notice in newspaper ASAP -- Julie volunteered to do this too. Books can be dropped at old library book drop any time before the sale begins. Sale scheduled for Friday, Jan. 16, 9-3:00, and Saturday, Jan. 17, 9-1:00; bill the sale as "Book & Cookie Sale" at the Old Library!


--Volunteers to sort and shelve books before the sale.

--Volunteers to work both days of sale.

--Contact Improvement Club and all Friends soliciting baked cookie donations to be dropped off the morning of Jan. 16 -- to be packaged, priced and ready to sell!

--Need plastic and paper bags for the sale.

--Need to prepare flyers advertising the sale [need a volunteer ASAP!] Sandy O. wants to send to other GRRL agencies, and we can post in the Library and other businesses around town.

--Need to write up a special announcement for the newspaper [ASAP!]

--Need to prepare signs for the sale: Paperbacks - $.10, Hardcover - $.25, Children's books - $.10.

--Library staff needs to price the shelving, desk, tables, any equipment, etc. for the sale, or give volunteers guidelines for pricing.

Next Friends Meeting: Scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 8, 7:00 p.m., as a working meeting in preparation for the sale.

3. Garage Sale May 1, 8:00 a.m. - ?

Friends of the Library will bring items clean, priced, with sellers initials, ready to sell. Anything not sold at end of day, will be responsibility of donor to take back and dispose of. Donate only saleable items, donate it if you would buy it, and NO CLOTHES!

4. Business Expo - April 3, 2004

This was discussed as something the Friends should participate in with a table and to recruit new members. Sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. Chamber membership is $25 and that pays for the table. Need more discussion and volunteers. Also discussed need of a Friends Banner for activities and events.

For Library Board Action: 1) Chamber membership for Friends, and 2) purchase of a Friends banner.

5. Upcoming Activities:

Need to work on developing a short list of possible authors, through networking, local sources, for a spring (probably 2005) author event similar to the Kimball Friends event. Use the event to promote the Library, literary activities, community efforts.

For 2004 will work to build membership in the Friends group.

Respectfully submitted,
Cindy Ahrens