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Annandale Area Public Library - Friends of the Library 
Meeting Notes - September 12, 2006

Cindy Ahrens called the meeting to order at 7pm with 14 members present.  The minutes from the June 6th meeting were read with a motion to accept. (MSP Muriel/Ed).
Jean Peterson gave the Treasurer's report.  The balance as of 9/12 is $4473.72.  Report filed, subject to audit.
Library Programming - Dawn Schaefer-Stumpf
    - Cindy read an email from Dawn, thanking the FOL for their support.  Dawn presented 3 programs per month during the summer, and plans 1 per month during the school year, which will be the 3rd Saturday of the month.
Library Board
    - Cindy reported for the Board that there is ongoing discussion regarding Library signing on Hwy 55.
Community Connection
    - A meeting needs to be set up with the committee for Fall publication.
Art Committee - Ed
    - The committee will meet 9/24.
    - The inventory has been completed      
    - Discussion on the sale of some watercolors which were donated during the July book sale.
Librarian Report - Sandy
    - August statistics
        144 attended 3 Story Times
        7 Volunteers = 76 hours
        The Computer donated by the Improvement Club had 83 users
    - Cleaning Day not needed right now, but Sandy asked that volunteers read the shelves while pulling or shelving books.
    - Easel is needed for Story Time.  Sandy and Dawn are authorized to spend up to $150 (MSP Ed/Muriel)
    - Shelf backing is needed for bottom shelves of movies in children's and adult areas.  Up to $25 authorized to purchase supplies (MSP Ed/Jean)
    - To Date, circulation is 35,675.  Total LY was 52,400.
Unfinished Business 
July Book Sale - Jean
    - Total profit was $1426.28 with 19 volunteers working 164 hours.
Sandy's 30th Anniversary
    - A reception will be held Wednesday October 25th from 4-6 pm.  Sponsored by the FOL, Library Board and the Improvement Club.
    - Committee members are Ron Remington, Cindy Ahrens, Barb Lundberg and Sally Smith.
    - Public Invitation will be in the Advocate. 
Lap Top Furniture
    - 2 laptop tables have been purchased at a cost of $212.98 (MSP Bonnie/Ed)
    - 2 chairs will be purchased at a cost of $89.99 plus tax and shipping  (MSP Jean/Muriel)
MALF Conference
    - Thursday October 28th, St. Cloud Civic Center.  FOL to pay for $25 of $50 registration fee for up to 4 FOL members to attend  (MSP Ed/Jean)
August 19th Summer Program Event
    - FOL had allocated $50.  Motion for an additional $125 (MSP Sharon/Marian)
New Business
    - Thank You gift certificate from McBrides for Dawn in appreciation of her efforts with the Summer Program: $30 from FOL/$30 from Library Board  (MSP Ed/Muriel &
    - Nominating Committee for November's Annual Meeting - Cindy, Bonnie, Marian
    - Treasurer's Audit Committee - Ron and Elizabeth
    - 2007 Author Dinner - Cindy working on finalizing author choice.
    - Jean reported that she will reissue a check for $25 for Amy Sparks - as last year's check is lost.
    - Articles of Incorporation for non-profit status - Cindy and Jean are working on while they prepare the paperwork to file for 501c3.  Discussion on what
      approvals are necessary for FOL to hold a raffle as a fundraiser.
Our next meeting will be our Annual Meeting: November 14th, 7:00pm - please bring a treat to share!
Meeting was adjourned at 8:50pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Gutzwiller