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Annandale Area Public Library - Friends of the Library 
Meeting Minutes - May 22, 2007

Bonnie Gutzwiller called the meeting to order at 7PM with 14 members attending.  The minutes from the April meeting were read and approved  (MSP Cindy/Jean). Treasurers  report:  Balance to date is $4776.70.  Report filed, subject to audit. (MSP Julie/Cindy)


Childrens Programming--Dawn

 -Sandy showed us the new puppets for the summer series.  The easel has also arrived.

 -Request for frames for pictures in the Childrens area--4 frames. MSP Cindy/Ron to purchase the  frames, not to exceed $130.00.

 - Information sent for the Childrens Series this summer.  Brochures to follow. (John Pepper, marketing, GRRL)

 -  A Julie Barkley picture has been chosen to hang in the Childrens area.

Library Board--Ron/Cindy

 -Cindy reported that the Sustainability Workshop was geared mostly for staff, not volunteers--but was interesting and informative nonetheless.

 -Next meeting is June, 7, 2007 at 4PM

Art Committee-Ed/Ron

 -Report had already been covered in the Childrens Programming! (frames, Barkley picture)

 -Dawn is the new chairperson of the Art Committee

Community Connections-Ron

 -An ad will go in the paper before the Book Sale.  Perhaps include Maple Lake and Kimball papers as well.

Librarian Report-Sandy

 -Programming Funds increased a bit.  Janice (3rd Tuesday) to help.  6 classes here this week--138 students.

 -1 Story time--39 attended

 -2 class visits--36 students

 -7 volunteers--42 hours

 -56 people used  Improvement Club computer

 -Magic Tree House--30 kids, 9 adults

Author Dinner Recap-Cindy

 -Cindy reported we came out about even.  Those attending really enjoyed KJ Ericksons talk.

 -Discussion about future events:

    --Should we have an event every other year?  Just a dessert and coffee event with a dinner every other year?  More help selling tickets and more help finding authors?

  -Members felt we should keep it an annual event--with a dinner--to establish a predictable pattern.  Suggestion was made that the tickets should all be the same price (this year FOL members tickets were a bit cheaper). Suggestions are most welcome, as is help contacting authors and ideas to increase our attendance.  Those attending have always found it a very enjoyable event!!


June 30th Book Sale-Ron

 -Ron sent around a sheet  for volunteers to sign up for sorting, setting up, selling, and tearing down. 

 -Sorting starts Tuesday, June 5th--9-11, and every Tuesday till the sale. Cindy will sort out the rare books.

 -Set up on Friday, June 29th, at noon.  Presale for FOL members,5;30-6:30.

 -Day of sale--8-2.  Clean up to follow.  Paynesville Used Book Store will take any of the books that dont sell.

 -Donation bowl will be at the cashiers table.


Future Meeting Dates

 -July 12th--Picnic at Sandys, pot luck, noon--with Improvement Club

 -August 21

 -November 13, Annual meeting--bring treats!

September Author Evening--Girlfriends Getaway

 -Free event--open to the public--much like Dr. Amatuzios  event, possibly

 -More discussion to follow at future meetings.

Our next gathering is at Sandys on July 12th--our next meeting is Tuesday, August 21, 7PM at the library.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM  

Respectfully submitted,
Sharon Peterson, secretary